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Friday, June 12, 2020

How To Motivate The Children To Study

How To Motivate The Children To Study?

Almost all the children will not be interested to study and it is a common problem. Only a few of them will go to study in their own interest.

Be a smart parent!

Some are good at memorizing and some are good at visualizing what they read, some are good at remembering pictures. See the strength in them and guide him accordingly.

Just try putting yourself in place of your kid and think!

I think the key is to understand your child first. What are their strengths and passions? How do they spend time when they can do whatever they want? If they like Lego then teach fractions using Lego. If they're great at video games then try to make learning a game. If they're naturally competitive then challenge them, but if they give up easily, then give them assignments they can accomplish and avoid frustrating them.

U cannot make them interested in studying!

Just try to make them more practical towards life, teach them the POWER of Education and make them realize the value of Reading, you can do so by showing them or telling them that if they will not study than what can be the consequences( do not scare them though)
Just politely tell the consequences and that if they do study well, they can enjoy a good life.


Parents are the most that a child believes and expects their appreciation. These appreciations will motivate him and later on, he realizes his strengths in any one field and it becomes a passion. Bring that fire in him to achieve. Rub the ego in him to achieve.

Helping a child to self manage, all her work, is a great and valuable effort. It has to be done in a manner, that a child takes it effortlessly.

Few tips below which will definitely help you.

Talk to your child: It’s important to get your child’s perspective on their interests and abilities. Listen to the child and offer your own observations as to where their greatest strengths lie. You may be surprised to learn that your child is interested in a subject that you weren’t aware of.

Adjust your expectations: Set your highest expectations for your child with the subjects that most interest them and where they have the greatest ability. Make it clear to your child that with subjects where they have little interest or ability.

Celebrate achievements, no matter how small - Completing a book report calls for a special treat; finishing a book allows your child an hour of video games. You'll offer positive reinforcement that will inspire him to keep learning and challenging himself.

Make it a routine: Keep set time aside every day and stick to the schedule. If your child dawdles over homework, I suggest using a timer and a reward system. "Finish homework before the timer rings and you get a special dessert."

Make it a family activity: Sit down with your child and tackle it together. Keep it light and more of a "discover together" kind of activity

Learn from multiple sources: This not only makes it interesting but makes it easier to remember information. Math can be learned from Khan Academy, History from various documentaries, Science also from videos or if possible, do experiments yourselves. Spend weekends going to the library, museums, field trips.

Remove distractions: When it is study time, no talking, no music, no TV and no getting up till you're done. This doesn't mean just the kids, even the adults switch everything off. Separate the kids to ensure less distraction/fighting.

Reward systems: This really works especially in cases where the child hates a certain subject. Provide all of the above support and add an extra incentive. Learning for the sake of learning doesn't happen in younger children- they need to be externally motivated.

Make it challenging: Set small quizzes or worksheets on the subject. Makeup puzzles and encourage your child to think and apply what he has learned. This will make it fun and also will show your child how theory is turned into the practical.

No punishments: If the child doesn't meet stated expectations, he simply loses out on the reward. Please don't punish or yell at the child- Studying/Learning should be a positive experience, not a stressful one.

Set the example: If you love to learn and show it, there is NO better motivation for the child. If you want your child to read, you should show how much you love to read. There is no point in yelling at your child to hit the books, while you watch TV for hours!

Stop comparing your child with another child: Yes, comparison literally affects the child’s confidence level.  Every child is unique in his or her own way. The schools try to identify that talent and parents should try to encourage their children to pursue their talent as a profession. Don’t let your dreams hinder the potential of your child. A doctor’s son need not be a doctor. He can become a football player too.

The child should always have a feeling that his/her parents are available always. An unconditional love and acceptance of the child, with all his/her strength and weakness, is a starting point. We should not push the child to compete, but prepare her to do her best.

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